Kaibutsu Oujo (OVA)

Based on a manga by Mitsunaga Yasunori, serialised in Monthly Shounen Sirius. Hiyorimi Hiro moves to a new city to live with his older sister, but dies before he can find her. He then awakens to a new life as a servant of a Princess of the Monster Realm, who just happens to be employing his sister. Monsters soon appear to attack or pester the princess since she is in line for the royal throne, and Hiro must protect her with his life (and repeated deaths).
Anix is the best site to watch Kaibutsu Oujo (OVA) SUB online, or you can even watch Kaibutsu Oujo (OVA) DUB in HD quality. You can also find Tatsunoko Production anime on Anix website.
Based on a manga by Mitsunaga Yasunori, serialised in Monthly Shounen Sirius. Hiyorimi Hiro moves to a new city to live with his older sister, but dies before he can find her. He then awakens to a new life as a servant of a Princess of the Monster Realm, who just happens to be employing his sister. Monsters soon appear to attack or pester the princess since she is in line for the royal throne, and Hiro must protect her with his life (and repeated deaths).
Synonyms:Kaibutsu Ohjo, Monster Princess, Princess Resurrection (OVA)
Aired:Dec 9, 2010 to Oct 7, 2011
Premiered:Fall 2010
Status:Finished Airing
MAL Score:7.09
Anix is the best site to watch Kaibutsu Oujo (OVA) SUB online, or you can even watch Kaibutsu Oujo (OVA) DUB in HD quality. You can also find Tatsunoko Production anime on Anix website.

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